On the Passing Of a Batch-mate and Future Doctor

A batch-mate from my university was killed today. Shot dead in the back as he tried to escape from armed robbers.

That’s how much human life is worth today.

There are a total of 335 people in our class, so I hardly ever got the chance to speak with him. But I always had the impression that he was a decent guy with nice, quiet manners. I am sure there was a lot more to his personality, but now I will never know.

People say that we turn to our faith when times are hard….like it is some psychological ‘feel good’ thing. But it’s actually in times like these that faith and belief in life after death becomes clearer. The worth of human life is something beyond we will ever understand in this world. It is certainly not as meaningless as to be bestowed merely by any recognition we get here. I never knew my batch-mate well but his passing has left a mark on me. I don’t know about his life, his happiness, his sorrows, but I do know how I will remember him.

As for those who chased and intentionally killed him, I have only pity for them. I pity them for the Day they will have to be accountable for what they did.  I pity those like them whose human part has been destroyed, who can never comprehend the meaning of love and peace, who can never understand what it means to destroy a family.

There are people like him (my batchmate), quiet and gentle who leave their mark in this world in ways you least expect. And there are people like me, impatient and hot-headed, too concerned with their own worldly matters till yet another tragedy makes them open their eyes.

This is not just the loss of my university. It is our nation’s lost. You lost a hard-working and conscientious future doctor. You lost a commendable human being. How many more are we to lose as we stand by and watch?

May Allah grant him the highest place in Jannah and give strength and patience to his family. Ameen


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