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#HjDiaries Musings

I once had to look after a middle-aged patient admitted in our ward. The attendants included her son and her young daughter in law. From the start, I disliked the son instantly. He would often snap at his wife and his tone suggested he didn't think much of her. At one point, I was so angry, I was on the verge of telling him off. My senior resident noticed this and stopped me. "If you say anything to him right now while you are angry, you will simply humiliate him. It will hurt his ego, and he will take it out on her only. Wait a bit and see how you can help her" I honestly didn’t want to wait. But I felt (albeit, grudgingly) that she was right. Because I did feel like humiliating him for being a brute. But then I observed him further. As his mother got better, it became clear to me that the son's behavior was simply a reflection of hers. She would speak to her daughter in law as if she was a worthless waste-of-space object than a dignified human being. It was thro...

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